2 children
Birth: April 26, 1861 — Honoraville, Crenshaw, Alabama, USA
Death: August 19, 1934 — Crenshaw, Alabama, USA
Birth: about 1822 — South Carolina, USA
Death: Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, USA
Birth: about 1840 — Alabama, USA
Death: after 1900 — Crenshaw, Alabama, USA
Facts and events
Shared note: Stephen S. Lowe was bondsman, and the marriage was performed at Hugh Hartin's home. (p. 107) Stephen S. Lowe was bondsman, and the marriage was performed at Hugh Hartin's home. (p. 107) FAM:MARR:NOTE:SOUR: @S400@ FAM:MARR:NOTE:SOUR:PAGE: Marriages, by Groom, 1858-1864, Butler, Alabama, http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/al/butler/vitals/marriages/groom58-64.txt FAM:MARR:NOTE:SOUR:QUAY: 2 FAM:MARR:NOTE:SOUR:NOTE: This file was contributed and copyrighted by: AL Noblin <alnoblin@qis.net> July 1999 FAM:MARR:NOTE:SOUR:_NOTE: YES |
Last change