Come into the library!
This is my husband's favorite room!
(He always was a bookworm!)
Maybe we can learn about his Polish family here.
We do need a lot of help,
since we know very little about them.
We do know that he is definitely ALL Polish
even if his name is not.
We know that he is third and fourth generation Polish-American.
We know that his name should be Lesefski.
Other family names are Wnuk, Hajec, Kos, and Kirtkowski.
I just hope they are all spelled correctly.
Of course, some immigrants' names
were changed when they came to this country.
The spelling was just too strange
to those who kept the records.
The name Wnuk means something like
"Little grandchild."
We do not know what the other names mean.
Poor Poland!
How it has suffered through the years.
It's very beginning was perhaps
the result of war.
A monk named Nestor, who wrote in the tenth century,
seems to indicate that the Polish people originally
lived in the region of the Danube river.
They were forced to leave by the Romans;
thus they had to carve out a new life
from the wilderness.
This homeland has been torn by strife
throughout the centuries.
Foreign invaders have attacked,
and there has been unrest within.
But all these difficulties have united the Polish people.
Regardless of where they live they are POLISH!